Consultations * Detectors * Detox * Mitigation * Protocols * Research * Training * Testing
 for Carbon Monoxide in People, Homes, Workplaces, Vehicles, Boats, and Planes

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Albert Donnay is an independent consulting toxicologist and environmental health engineer who specializes in the prevention, detection, screening, testing, and detox of carbon monoxide poisoning from both exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) sources.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics from McGill University (1980), a Master’s of Health Sciences in environmental health engineering from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (1983), and a Master’s of Science in toxicology from the University of Maryland (2015).

Mr. Donnay also has worked extensively on multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) syndrome since 1994 when he founded MCS Referral & Resources, a not-for-profit organization that he still directs (

He drafted the first consensus case definition of MCS in 1999 (published with 33 co-authors in Archives Environmental Health); co-authored the first study documenting the extensive 3-way overlap among the diagnoses of MCS, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia (with Ziem in J. CFIDS, 1999); and compiled the first comprehensive review of MCS in medical literature and government policy (Donnay in Intl J. Toxicology, 1999). This is also the first publication to identify carbon monoxide poisoning as a cause of MCS and Edgar Allan Poe as a victim. Donnay has also published several letters to the editor on MCS, scientific integrity, and carbon monoxide in JAMA, NEJM, EHP and other peer-reviewed journals.

In 1999, he consulted with AIM Safe-Air Products to develop the first low-level CO alarm sold to the public in the USA and Canada, and he later collaborated with Biosystems (now part of Honeywell) to create the first portable multi-gas analyzer designed for measuring O2, CO and H2S in both breath and ambient air. He also developed the first clinical protocols for screening, testing and detoxifying cases of chronic CO poisoning, which he proposes be named multi-sensory sensitivity (MUSES syndrome) in recognition of this unique diagnostic hallmark.  

The protocols are based on his patented method of non-invasively measuring the level of free CO diffusing from lungs, arteries, veins and the average of all tissues via exhaled breath (US 10,386,357).  He also has invented a variety of Automatic Rescue Breathing Masks that boost breathing volume by reflex to accelerate the exhalation of CO and other volatile toxins, such as general anesthesia after surgery.   They also can be used to help people with shortness of breath from COVID-19, ARDS and pneumonia.   For more information, see his 5-minute Public Service Announcement with DIY instructions posted on YouTube

Donnay has written protocols for methods to measure CO levels inside buildings from combustion appliances, inside vehicles and garages, and inside humans via their exhaled breath and flatulence. He has conducted trainings on these protocols for other professionals and trained the staff of several government agencies (health, fire, environment, etc.) responsible for setting CO standards, responding to CO alarms, and inspecting licensed facilities such as daycare facilities and nursing homes.

He has testified about MCS and CO poisoning before committees of the US Congress and the British Parliament and petitioned government agencies for changes in CO policies and regulations. These include asking the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to require automatic CO shutoff switches in automobiles, the Consumer Product Safety Commission to require similar shutoffs on portable generators, and the Environmental Protection Agency to lower the level of CO exposure allowed outdoors by the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.